Captain Black Dark Pipe Tobacco 1 5 OZ POUCH 5 COUNT

Capt. Black White has none, no matter how you punish it. I finally picked up a pouch of this at my local drugstore and opened it with rather low expectations. I didn’t get to experience the room note but bringing my pipe back inside and having the smell on my hands gave me a somewhat good guage of what it is like.

The smell of the tobacco is very pleasant, in fact I like to keep a empty pouch next to my computer I like it so much. Tried this because my girlfriends dad had told me it was what his friend smoked back in the day and he found it delightful. Ignoring the warning of my tobacconist against smoking what he said is considered “drug store tobacco” I thought I should at least give it a chance.

Mildly flavored, without tongue bite, very easy to smoke, can be all day… Will buy again, sometimes everyone needs an easy smoke. Captain Black White seems to be a “love it or hate it” blend if you read all of the reviews.

I tell people starting out get a burley blend like Prince Albert or Carter Hall and a nice cob. It tastes better and most people are dropping cigs so the transistion wont be as hard. 1.) i disagree that new pipe smokers should be recommended this tobacco. The reason why is because no aromatic – no matter how good it smells – will ever taste the way it smells. The taste on it’s own is disappointing. It’s bland and almost non-existent.

Well i tried it ONCE and i would rather eat broken glass than try it again. I could not finish a whole bowl of it. If hot, goopy, chemical mess is your idea of good tobacco then this is for you .

You may have moved on and found better blends of higher quality tobaccos but you shouldn’t look down on your humble beginnings. It might not be an everyday smoke. It might be a little fake tasting now that you know better. It might be peterson pipes your guilty pleasure from time to time. But for a pipe tobacco that doesn’t claim to be anything other than a pipe tobacco it’s fantastic for what it is. Personally I think it’s great in a Cob around a camp fire drinking a few beers.

Captain Black Regular was the first pipe tobacco I ever smoked. It’s a classic and even if it isn’t the greatest tobacco in the world I enjoy a pouch of it from time to time. Whenever I meet someone who is interested in pipe smoking I usually point them in the direction of Captain Black or Half and Half. This is the tobacco that started it all. I was pretty much a pipe smoker before I could even talk clearly. My dad smoked Captain Black for 20 years before stopping all together.

Somewhat harsh on the mouth more so than the other CB at least for me. Perhaps this still used “drug store” reference is an indication of how old fashioned many pipe smokers are, regardless of their actual age (I’m certainly guilty). In pipe tobacco chacom tobacco pipes it is “the” name brand product. Like Coca Cola and the Big Mac, this is a very high profile product owned and endorsed by a major corporation. As such, it is subject to the barrage of scrutiny and contentetion that such fame inevitably brings.

captain black tobacco

It is great and I hope the company goes back into production soon. If I only had one tobacco, I could have this. Except that it is 4x as much as comparable tobaccos like Lane RLP-6.

It is very simple and offers a mild, gentle, and aromatic smoke. It is kind of like an aromatic bowl of Prince Albert. It smells a whole lot better and is Cavendish captain black tobacco to the core. I only say that, like the Prince, it is a reliable friend and makes no demands of you. The flavor remains consistent throughout the bowl.