Captain Black Pipe Tobacco

I’ve tried a lot of others after that, but I always return to CBW. I had never really had any interest of trying this tobacco at all. Everyone always bashed it and said it was crap and whatnot. Well, chacom tobacco pipes a few days ago i finally picked up a pouch, figuring what the hey, maybe i will try it. First off, it honestly was not as wet as everyone always says. A little damp, yes, but nothing too bad.

I am not generally an aromatics person. I like my tobaccos to be a little more natural or savory, not really all that sweet. But every once and a while I get a sweet tooth craving and have nothing to really fill that application in my stock. It is everything that is bad in a blend.

(Cooking is one of my hobbies, so I know I can smell the difference.) I find that CBW burns cool without any gurgle and leaves a fine white ash at the bottom of the bowl. One light and a few well-timed tampers is all I need for a pipeful. It’s available almost anywhere, so if I should run short of tobacco on my travels, I can usually find it. And that’s about the only time I would probably buy it, but then with no remorse. It’s not a bad smoke by any means, although the flavor is a johnny-one-note.

Sometimes I smoke just to watch the smoke, in which case I will grab for CBW or Carter Hall, although my mouth enjoys CBW a little better. Aroma is fantastic, as one would expect. I can’t really speak to “room note” so to speak as I smoke exclusively outdoors, but I can’t imagine anyone disliking this smell. It is THE classic American aromatic for a reason. I’m not too good to smoke and enjoy otc blends, but this is one of the worst. Long lived mass market saturation doesn’t always equal a fantastic product.

Honestly, if I want to smoke Cavendish, there are many other options I would reach for before this. I’ve really tried to like Captain Black over the years. I wouldn’t describe it as a terrible tobacco, terrible tobaccos do exist. Rather, I would describe it as a good “training” tobacco. Something to teach the new smokers how to pace themselves and go slow without tasting awful or offering up too strong a flavor profile or kick. Puff too fast or too hard and it tears a hole in your tongue.

Captain Black has been the biggest selling line of tobaccos in the United States for almost fifty years, and this one is the original. Captain Black Original (Regular) is a mixture of Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish with a distinctively warm, pleasantly sweet flavor and aroma. Try this great American classic -Captain Black Original. It is full of different aromas and flavors. As vanilla-flavored as it can feel, it also has a nutty finish to it.