Catching Up with Recent Ozark Trail Thru-Hikers

For breakfast, I had Starbucks Via instant coffee added to a liter of cold water and a ProBar Meal bar. Lunch was mostly another ProBar, Primal Strips vegan jerky, and Kitch Fix granola. Dinner was freeze-dried hiking food from Backpacker’s Pantry, Patagonia Provisions, and Food For The Sole. I mailed food resupply boxes to Bushy Creek Lodge and The Landing in Van Buren. So if you’re ready to go on a hiking or camping trip as the warm weather rolls back in, then pick up this Ozark backpack while it’s still on sale. With a huge main compartment, you can store just about everything you need for any outdoor adventure.

The Ozark Trail Association maintains a number of maps to help you traverse each section of the trail. If you are using your phone for navigation, bring a paper copy of a map in case you lose signal or find yourself without battery. Trail maps are free to print at home or available for purchase at the online store. Bring enough water for your trip or a way to purify water to make it safe to drink. Many of the creeks and streams look crystal clear, but it’s still smart to make sure any impurities are removed with pumps or tablets before drinking. Although I saw many diggings from feral hogs, I was fortunate to have never come across any.

Spring is here in full force, and along with it is some of the best weather of the year. Warm afternoon temperatures, cool ozark trail canopy breezes, and sunny skies. What more could you ask for as an outdoor enthusiast itching to go on a camping or hiking trip?

I did meet a hunter in the woods whose hands and arms were covered in blood. She had just shot a wild hog and had cut out the “back straps” to eat. My first night out I heard coyotes howling just before I fell asleep, which half startled me but was also beautiful to hear.

Filtering or chemically treating water is overwhelmingly recommended. I used a Katadyn BeFree 1-liter filter and only needed to clean it once in my 16 days. Berchek continued, “Water ozark trail backpack is easy to find on the OT, even in the drier seasons. The problem is there are a lot more water sources than indicated on the map, so…you end up carrying more water than needed.

Another big downside of this season is the shorter daylight hours available for hiking. It was the perfect size bag to hold water bottles and a few other important things in it. They didn’t hurt my shoulders as I carried the bag around with me. When my bag got wet from a few rides, it easily and quickly dried because of its thin material, I really liked that. The bag has one large compartment and then a smaller one on the front/side. Overall this is a great small bag to take along with you.

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