Chacom #4

The brand Chacom Chacom, créateur et distributeur de pipes turned up (1934) after fusion of Chapuis-Comoy with La Bruyère. Yves Grenard (†2012), second cousin of Pierre Comoy headed the company from 1971. He was responsible for Chapuis Comoy’s recovering its independance from Comoy. His son Antoine Grenard took over the direction of the company in 2007. Chacom is a brand of Cuty-Fort Entreprises (Jeantet, Vuillard, Jean Lacroix, Ropp …). Hopefully the style of writing of this blog is helpful to you in some way.

Sometimes I get a stem with double hole, a tobacco chamber with a very limited space. It is then that I remember when my father told me when I was younger that my great-grandparent’s pipe needed maintenance . Members of the Comoy family have been making pipes since 1825, which is even before briar had been discovered as a useful material for smoking pipes.

Remember we are not pipe owners; we are pipe men and women who hold our pipes in trust until they pass on into the trust of those who follow us. A place for those of us who practice the art of smoking pipe tobacco. You must be of legal age to purchase alcohol and tobacco products to enter this website. Each day, 20 employees (a team of diehards) still perpetuate a century-old know-how and give a modern touch to the briar pipes. Innovations in shape and finishes continued from the 1970’s to this day.

The stem was very damaged with a bite through on the top side and much chewing around the edges of the stem. The bowl is very dirty with little room in the bowl – thick cake and lots of overflow on to the back side of the rim.I reamed the bowl with reamers. I cleaned the mortise, and the airway in the shank and stem with pipe cleaners and alcohol. You can see what the bowl looks like now in the next two photos. Using the syringe, I add the alcohol to the salt, topping it up to the bowl brim.

Chacom is still going strong to this day due to its age-old tradition and immeasurable know-how, so it should come to no surprise that it remains to be the leading French brand for pipes. Since Chacom has had much success, it would only make sense to try their hand in creating some superb tobacco blends to pair with their amazing pipes. Buy a Chacom pipe and you’ll get a high quality French pipe made from real briar wood. Having been sorted, the pieces of wood are dried naturally during 6-month period on racks and are turned over regularly. Following grading, the various stages of manufacture are carried out by master pipe craftsmen.

CHAPUIS-COMOY&Cie is a creator, manufacturer and distributor of fine pipes, located in Saint-Claude, France. Guarantee of traditional methods, CHACOM remains

the biggest French brand to date knowing how to ally Tradition, Creation & Innovation. Made of briar, Chacom pipes follow rigorous manufacturing steps, which ensure them an optimal quality. It is on this concern for a job well done that the reputation of Chacom pipes has been built among pipe lovers. The dynamism of the brand is developing by creating new series of more modern and varied pipes reaching a wider French and foreign public. Chacom pipes are exported today in more than 40 countries and their success is constantly growing.

captain black tobaccoWe offer you several dozens of pipe models, from the traditional to the most original, made in France in Saint Claude in the Jura. And whatever their finishing (carbon, black, …) all are made in a quality briar for the greatest pleasure of the pipe smoker. Browse our selection of Chacom tobacco pipes and you’ll understand why, from the first smoke. I came across this pipe at an antique mall in London, Ontario. I almost passed it by had it not been for the vendor who was cleaning his case, he was kind enough to say ‘hi’ and ask what I was looking for. He just so happened to have a few pipes hiding in a glass case in the back of his store.