Peterson Briar Pipes l BnB Tobacco

Peterson’s opinion is that people would get a pipe for two reasons. The first is the enjoyment you get from smoking quality pipe tobacco. The second is you get a specific pipe because of the “inherent beauty that is in the pipe.” Peterson pipes are one of the few names that carry the history, prestige, and respect of the tobacco pipe world.

Awhile ago Jeff and I were sorting through the bowls in our collection and pulled out eight Peterson’s bowls that were dirty and stemless. A friend referred us to a contact named Silas Walls, of Walls Pipe Repair in Wallace, Idaho, USA as he seems to have a good supply of original Peterson’s stems. Our friend has had chacom tobacco pipes him fit stems for some of his Petes and was very happy with the work. We made contact with him and sent him eight bowls for restemming. A few weeks ago, I received an email from a customer, Ted about some pipe work for him. He had three pipes that he said needed different things and offered to send some photos.

Victory Pipes is home to many iconic brands; here we welcome you to the world of Peterson of Ireland craftsmanship, where elegance and dedication to quality go hand in hand. Choose from Peterson Killarney, Standard Quality, Kinsale or Tyrone pipes. We also have special edition like the Sherlock Holmes pipe line.

Of course, they did have more than 150 years to become so, but it also very much has to do with the fact that some of the shapes simply have become iconic. Before it was chacom tobacco pipes it was the Kapp Brothers – Friedrich and Heinrich Kapp, German immigrants to Ireland from Nürnberg, Germany, who founded the famed Kapp Brothers store on Grafton Street, Dublin, in 1865. Then one day a Latvian immigrant, Charles Peterson, strolled into the Kapp workshop and declared that he could make better pipes than they. Armed with an imaginative flair for pipes and a craftsman’s background, Peterson not only proved himself correct, but became the third partner in the fledgling firm. Perhaps the most notable design from the Kapp and Peterson factory was Peterson’s famed ‘Dry System’ pipes, patented in 1894.

His emphasis has been very much on employing good skilled staff and quality traditional methods. At the same time they continue to evolve, providing the modern pipe smoker with modern choices and trends in pipe design and shapes. Tom has always believed in the old saying – “if it was not broken, don’t fix it”. Peterson had been around for over 120 years before he got involved so he decided to tread carefully before making any changes. On looking back over the years, Tom considered that most changes came, in the very large extension to the pipe range and the constant issuing of new shapes and series.