Captain Black Original Pipe Tobacco

To this, mellow Burleys and Golden Virginias are added for mildness and depth of flavor. Pipes and Cigars do not sell products to anyone under the age of 21. If you do not meet the minimum requirement, please do not enter our site.

Lane Ltd. changed hands several times over the decades, but the heart of the company – the folks who actually produce the tobacco – has remained consistent. In fact, there are employees at the Tucker facility who also worked at the original plant in Manhattan. Continue to Instacart, or go back to shop in-store using your deals and rewards. You must be 21 years or older to buy our products in accordance with current FDA regulations. We are committed to providing our services only to people who are of the proper age, and to protecting our youth as best as we possibly can. Rick Black Cavendish tobaccos, steamed to seal in the flavor and character of the leaf.

captain black tobacco

These blends are known for their lower nicotine content and highly aromatic flavor. Rich black Cavendish and mellowed burleys, exceptionally mild, delightfully captain black tobacco aromatic. The thickest cut of pipe tobacco, Broad Cut is roughly twice as wide as Loose Cut. A variety of Virginia tobacco specially aged in rum and sugar.

Most pipe tobaccos, and the majority of our tobaccos, are cut following the casing and top flavor process. Nearly all pipe tobaccos have some degree of flavoring added, from rum to peach and anything in between. Aromatic Taste describes the extent to which the taste of the flavorings are apparent while smoking. With a huge variety of cuts and blends available, it’s enough to confuse even an experienced pipe smoker.

As one of the leaders in pipe tobacco, Captain Black has been providing trusted high-demand tobaccos for years now. Available in either pouches or cans, they offer numerous captain black tobacco delicious flavors like their signature “White”, “Gold”, and “Dark” just to name a few. Grab a pack and find out why the Captain’s tobacco has been considered treasure.

This process doubles as a slight fermentation, giving the tobacco a fuller, rounder taste that typically receives little or no top flavor. A broad captain black tobacco cut of pipe tobacco, cut twice to create small squares of tobacco. This tobacco is sun-cured and grown in Southern Europe and the Middle East.

Cube Cut pipe tobacco is the result of the typical flake cut tobacco process that is subsequently cut into small cubes. In March of 2011, Lane Ltd. was purchased by Scandinavian Tobacco Group, headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. On June 1, 2012, Lane was officially renamed Scandinavian Tobacco Group Lane Ltd. The number one selling pipe tobacco brand in the United States has a fresh new look, but the same classic taste you’ve come to love.

A low bodied blend (like Cavendish) could be compared to a Pilsner while an intensive bodied blend (such as Latakia) could be compared to a Stout. The main difference is that Dark Fired Kentucky is aged using a smoking process. A cousin to Virginia tobacco, Burley tobacco is less sweet and typically contains more nicotine.