26in Hyper E-Ride Mountain Electric MTB

Hyper Bike Company has a really large offering for everyone in the family, with bikes for kids and adults. Both the Hyper eBikes and standard bikes are sold exclusively at Walmart so, you can do your searching on their website or Walmart’s website. Both sites will have full product details and descriptions as well as a ton of images of each bike. In total, four models complete the range, each with seamless power transmitted to the rear wheel via a 12-speed drivetrain, SRAM electronic XX Eagle AXS on Extreme models, and SRAM mechanical GX Eagle on Sport models. Proceed to carefully pull the bike out of the box and cut off and remove all the plastic safety caps and cardboard around it. While bike shops are often the best source of information for most things MTB-related, this was clearly a misspoke notion.

First, slide the front reflector light onto the handlebars and tighten it up using your Philips head screwdriver. Proceed to slide the handlebars onto the bike’s body, it should slide down without any problems. If it gets stuck, adjust the rotating screw at the bottom of the handlebar so that it aligns correctly with the bike’s body and slide it in place. Do both the screw that connects to the body and the other top screw at the top of the handlebars.

For those that are new to assembling mountain bikes you may find this article helpful. The instructions that comes with the Hyper Havoc FS Mountain Bike are very basic and show generalized pictures and instructions that sometimes aren’t very helpful. So in this guide I will help walk you through assembling the mountain bike with easy to follow step by step instructions. I have to say that I was far less skeptical of a pedal assist Ebike after breaking this out and taking it for a ride. What I found with the Hyper Ebike, is that pedal assistance in this case does not mean that you are putting in a tremendous amount of effort to use the motor. All that is required of the rider is a quick revolution of the pedals every so often to keep the motor hyper bike engaged and working for you.

Admittedly, neither of us are in peak physical condition, sitting around the 220 LBS mark for personal weight, but the bike has a rider capacity of 275 LBS which is more than enough. Even if we were to load a bag for the day and our bows or crossbows, we wouldn’t even come close to hitting the maximum weight capacity. Beyond the rider weight, you can also use a trailer to take the strain off of your back and pull your gear behind you. With a long history of active, successful participation in the BMX and bicycle mass market industry, it was time to establish a similar position with the High-End Mountain Bike industry. The obvious choice to manage our entry into the Mountain Biking was longtime friend and MTB legend Eric Carter.

It’s easy to get lulled into buying the flashy mountain-styled bikes on store shelves. They always have eye-catching paint jobs, and some are full suspension — all for cheap. But on a mountain bike, weight can really drag down the enjoyment.

Recently, there’s been a trickle down, so features previously only seen on LBS [local bike shop] bikes are creeping into big-box bikes at a fraction of the cost. You also have a large variety of bike choices at big-box stores. There’s usually a bike type for any taste — all on the cheap. As far as capability goes, the mountain bike itself is an easy rider and very comfortable to spend time on riding through the city or on trails. I’m by no means a diehard mountain bike rider, but I did find this bike to be very similar to entry level TREK that I used to have.

I can move thru the orange groves around here so much easier then before. This bike is quiet, so I have been able to get close to some of the wildlife roaming in these parts, (wild hogs, turkeys,etc.). I ride this bike almost every day and the battery has not given out on me so far. I have used this bike to help round up my neighbors cows from the orange groves when ever they decide to take a tour.

They turn so many heads and are of impressive build quality. Was worried when I saw they no longer service Australia but when I called they said they would send any spare part I needed but it would just cost a bit more. That said, the first thing is to start with a bike that can be upgraded. Some of the bikes sold at these stores aren’t suitable for upgrade. And surprisingly, he often finds a diamond in the rough — or at least a salvageable build he can later modify. (In fairness, he finds total lemons too.) So I caught up with him to find out why he loves box-store bikes, whether it’s ever a good buy, and what you can do to make a 200-plus-dollar Walmart bike a respectable ride.

And I’ve come to appreciate the role they play in getting people into cycling. Then Hyper MTB Ebike boasts a top speed of 20MPH with additional speed settings that will allow you to extend your ride time at slower speeds. The Hyper MTB Ebike came in a pretty large box, but that is to be expected when ordering any type of bicycle online.

Some buyers may not care about spending over $5,000 on an Ebike, but others will and that is where a more budget friendly option comes in to play. Since we have a specific purpose for wanting Ebikes, we were already narrowing down our potential options and some of the more budget friendly bikes on the market. I stumbled across Hyper while perusing the Walmart website and started to dig in on what they had to offer.