Captain Black Pipe Tobacco Buy Captain Black Pipe Tobacco at Smokingpipes

Evidently scores of other pipe smokers feel the same considering CBW has had such a huge sales success for decades now. Within its genre CBW is an easy 3 stars. For the life of me, I have no idea why this tobacco is so popular, nor why it is usually the recommended tobacco to new pipe smokers.

Very pleasant scent/taste and room note. If you are a beginner give it a shot. If your looking for a nice tobacco to bulk up on and enjoy regularly bypass for sure. Try chacom tobacco pipes some boswells or hiland cigars black gold. This is like eating a bag of twinkies. I appreciate other fine desserts, but once in a while, junk food just fits the bill.

To be honest there’s really nothing special with it. It has a wonderful room note, but other than that it kind of captain black tobacco just tastes like puffing on hot air with a mild sweetness to it. The thing about CB is that it’s everywhere.

Capt. Black White has none, no matter how you punish it. Everyone loves the way Captain Black smells…I think that is well documented. Well what can be said about this blend that hasn’t already been said. Good Bad or Indifferent This blend is an American Classic. It should be called Captain America.

On top of that both the Original and Red required numerous relights to coax the fire along. The Gold if anything burned too well, which added to the tongue bite I’m sure. And all advisers, I asked about a blend to begin, told me “try this!” in one accord.

I had to buy this online and that puts it up against a lot of brands and blends that are comparable in price and characteristics. I am not sure that tobaccos like this will do well in a tight market like this. I am new to pipe smoking and have tried many high end aromatics so I had to try this stand by smoke.

The smoking experience was pretty straightforward. It lit well, burned well, didn’t require a lot of relights, didn’t heat the pipe and didn’t bite the tongue. I could still sense a slight taste of vanilla and I guess that, after aging a bit, the smoke becomes more rounded and balanced.

Aroma right out of the pouch is unquestionably vanilla. Just the right humidification too. Easy to keep lit with vitually no bite at all, all the way to the bottom. Room note is its biggest advandage. The wife is in love with this blend, so use this in times of arguments and you will end up cuddling in bed like nothing ever happened. It is also an interesting way to approach the female sex, cause trust me, they cannot resist the sweet smell of this daredevil.