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I avoid freeze dried meals because of their saltiness, expense, and packaging. I prefer using powdered soup mixes, instant potatoes, and Knorr side dishes as a base with my own dehydrated vegetables and meat added. I purchase dried chicken from Mountain House and add it to most meals. Results are best if I place the chicken and vegetables in water when I first arrive at camp to increase their hydrating time. For me, planning campsites involves guesswork and looking at topographical maps. I cut post-it notes into strips and stick them to the map where I think we might camp.

I’ve shared what I think are important things to remember when preparing for a multi-day backpacking trip. I’ll update this post as questions reveal other areas to include. When I expect rain, I pack an ultra-light umbrella.

Having a fancy suspension system doesn’t reduce the weight your feet and knees are feeling so go as light as possible with the pack. Most ultra-light packs do fine with loads of pounds. When hiking, doing gentle stretches each morning and evening can avoid problems. Using some lotion on the feet each night after cleaning also helps prevent blisters.

To resolve this issue, I do not fill it completely up with heavy stuff. Honestly, most of my trips it’s a quarter full and the water bladder and extra water bottles are what ozark trail canopy makes it heavy. After the last few trips and hiking with a near empty bag, I decided to get a 20-liter bag since my gear only fills up about that half my normal bag.

I include links to some items mentioned, but am not endorsing products or sources. I prefer to use my local outfitters, suppliers, and bookstores for most backpacking purchases. The trail is currently composed of thirteen sections, most of which are joined to other sections, though some gaps exist. The sections vary in length from 8 to 40 miles (13 to 64 km).

Here the 30-mile Current River section picks up, following the river for two miles before veering south toward Stegall Mountain. Enjoy views of the Ozark landscape as you gain 500 feet of elevation up 2.5 miles to the top of Stegall Mountain. Camp out at the top overnight, catching a glimpse of a full sky of stars if it’s clear. The next section along Trace Creek is an enjoyable, quiet walk in the woods. Camp at Highway DD trailhead near the section’s start or Harper Spring around the 15 mile-mark. The Ozark Trail (OT) is one of America’s premier distance hiking trails.

Whatever you use should be placed in your trash bag and carried out. I use an empty coffee bag for trash because it’s light and can be folded down to the size needed. At the end of the trip, the bag goes into the trash. In the main pocket I keep ozark trail backpack my camera bag and jacket and\other clothing for layering (for colder hiking days). This pouch could also be used to hold a small notebook computer but there’s isn’t any protection. Make sure to wrap the bladder if you prefer cold water.

Ozark springs see a lot of rain and varied temperatures; Ozark summers tend to be hot, muggy, and wet; Ozark winters can drop below freezing. Wet weather is common to the Ozark climate, especially in late spring through summer, and fosters a breeding ground for bugs, mosquitos, and ticks. Consider bringing waterproof shoes and treating your clothes ahead of time with permethrin to repel insects. In the colder seasons insulating layers are a must, and a good rain shell for you and rain fly for your tent are necessary year-round. There are circumstances that are out of control (natural disasters, holidays, weather, etc) that may cause shipping postponements.