Pipe Tobacco Packaged Captain Black

Originally founded in Dresden, Germany in 1890, Lane specialized in high quality pipe and roll-your-own cigarette tobaccos. Herman G. Lane, one of the founder’s grandsons, emigrated to the United States in 1938 and re-established the company in Manhattan. Captain Black itself made its first appearance in a 1956 catalog, where it was touted as ‘slightly aromatic, slow burning & pleasant,’ and sold for 25 cents per ounce. You must be of legal age to purchase tobacco products or smoking accessories on this site. This stuff burned effortlessly, a little too effortlessly. It burned my tongue fiercly despite all my efforts to smoke slow, cool, and dry.

Captain Black offers a variety of  flavored pipe tobaccos that are very well valued among their class. Pipe tobacco from Captain Black comes either in cans or pouches of different sizes. The best-selling pipe tobacco in the world is Captain Black Regular (White). A Beloved blend enjoyed by almost everyone who considers themselves a pipe smoker.

From the start I was a snob, only buying the fanciest tobaccos like Esoterica Tobacciana and GL Pease. Out of sheer curiosity I decided to try Captain Black original. I was expecting cheap quality tobacco but I could not have been more wrong. We do NOT sell tobacco or tobacco-related products to anyone under 18 years of age. FLAVOR PROGRESSIONCaptain Black Original has fairly consistent vanilla-rum-lemon-vinegar-hay profile up to the last quarter when the spiced rum takes over. Captain Black Gold is well not quite gold, but in that direction.

Most distinctly its much finer in cut than the other two Captain Black products reviewed here. It’s not shag but this will lead to a pretty quick burn without careful packing and puffing. Best aroma of anything I’ve ever smoked, even better aroma than Penzance IMO.

All flavored tobacco and cigars are now banned in Massachusetts. That includes all flavored cigars, Pipe Tobacco, and Hookah Tobacco etc. Any orders containing Flavored Tobacco will have those products removed and refunded. Again, ohm tobacco please direct all complaints to Governor Charlie Baker’s administration. Captain Black Red has a cherry cough drop note folded into warm tobacco. This is one of the few cases where the room note is superior to the tin note.